For the first time in school's history, twenty three students of grade 5 got above hundred marks for the scholarship examination 2013.
Media unit of the school congratulate them and wish them a bright future.
Tuesday, October 15, 2013
Tuesday, October 1, 2013
Children's Day Celebrations

2013 Children's Day celebration programme was held on 01st October in school premises. The programme was organized by the Media Unit of St. Johns College. There were many dancing items as well as a special speech by Sub-inspector Mrs. Jenita of Dematagoda Police Station explaining theme of this year, "Family Protects You".
A special film screening was held for the primary section students by the Media Unit after this programme.
Logos Hope
Friday, June 21, 2013
Poson Sil Programme
Wednesday, June 19, 2013
› ,xld .=jka úÿ,s ixia:dj iy › ,xld rEmjdysks ixia:dj
fj; wOHdmk pdrsldjla

oS wdrïN l< fuu ixia:dj › ,xldfõ iy wdishdfõu m%:u .=jka úÿ,s ixia:dj f,i ie,fla'
tla kd,sldjlska wdrïN jQ .=jka úÿ,s ixia:dj fï jk úg isxy," fou< iy bx.%Sis hk NdId ;=kgu we;=<;a kd<sld 12
la olajd j¾Okh ù ;sfí' ixia:dj ms<sn|j jeäÿr f;dr;=re iy tys ls%hdldrs;ajh
ms<sn|j wm ish,a,ka oekqj;a lsrSug tys isá ks<OdrSyq wm;a iuÕ b;d iqyoYS,Sj
l;d ny l<y' ty‘oS wm ljqre;a n,dfmdfrd;a;= fkdjq wkaoñka city FM kd<sldfõ
icSù jevigyklg iyNd.S ùug ;rï b;d w.kd wjia:djlao Wod jqks' fuu jevigyk u.ska wm
,enQ m%:u i;=gqodhl w;aoelSu wm cSú;fha ldg;a wu;l l< fkdyels ;rï w;aoelSula
úh' ó<Õg tys ;sfnk ol=Kq wdishdfõ úYd,;u .%euf*daka ;eá .nvdjg hEug o wjia:dj
,enqks' tysoS wdkkao iurfldaka uy;d
úiska rÑ; cd;sl .Sho" tia'ví,sõ'wdra'ã'nKavdrkdhl uy;d mdra,sfïka;=fõoS mej;ajq
m%:u l:djo" ã'tia'fiakdkdhl uy;d yd
wk.drsl O¾umd,;=ukaf.a lgy~o Y%jKh lsrSug ;rï Nd.Hj;a jqfhuq' wk;=rej wms ›
,xld .=jka úÿ,s ixia:dfjka iuQf.k › ,xld rEmjdysks ixia:djg msúisfhuq'
ieuúgu ck;djf.a m%fhdackh fjkqfjka ls%hdlrk
› ,xld rEmjdyskS ixia:dj ,xldfõ úfYaI ia:dkhla ysñ lr .kS' ixia:dfõ m%Odk;u wruqK
jkafka ck;djf.a wjYH;djhka mrsos fiajdjka imhd Tjqka ;Dma;su;a lsrSu jk w;r fuysoS
iudch ms<sn|j iy wOHdmk lghq;= ms<sn|j úfYaI f,i ie,ls,a,g .kq ,nhs ' ›
,xld rEmjdysks ixia:dj mdra,sfïka;= mk; hgf;a 1982 jif¾ ckjdrs ui 23 jk osk msysgqjd
th 1982 jif¾ fmnrjdrs ui 14 jk od ixia:dmkh
l< w;r 1982 fmnrjdr 15 jk osk › ,xld rEmjdysks ixia:dj cd;sl kd,sld cd,hla jYfhka
m%ldYhg m;alrk ,oS' fï jk úg m%Odk md,l ueosrshlao" idudkH ueosrsa y;rlao"
y~leùï ueosrsa follao" äcsg,a miq ksIamdok ueosrshlao" wekf,d.a miqksIamdok
ueosrs follao" ixialrK wxY iy ndysr úldYk hka;%o › ,xld rEmjdysks ixia:dj
i;=j ;sfí' fuys ;sfnkakdjq ueosrs w;rska wmg msúish yelsjQfha idudkH ueosrs ;=klg
muKs' miqj wms › ,xld rEmjdysks ixia:dfjka o iuQ.;af;uq '
fujeks pdrsldjla keröug wmg wjia:dj Wod lrÿka fuu pdrsldj ixúOdkh l< wdpd¾h;=ñhg;a"
pdrsldj i|yd wkque;ssh ,ndÿka úÿy,am;s;=ukag;a"
› ,xld .=jka úÿ,s ixia:dfõ wm;a iuÕ /£ fndfyda úia;r ms<sn|j wm ish,a,ka
oekqj;a l< ixch uOqixL uy;dg iy › ,xld rEmjdysks ixia:dfõ f.davka o is,ajd
uy;dg;a udOH tallfha YsIHhka jYfhka wms yDohdx.uj ia;=;sh mqolr isáuqq !!!
wíÿ,a ylSï
Ydka; fPdaka úoHd, udOH tallh
Friday, June 7, 2013
Vesak Bathi Gee Saraniya 2013
Special Vesak Bhakthi Geetha Program of the St
Johns’ College was held on 28th May 2013 at the main hall of the
school. This program was sponsored by Hon. Minister Wimal Weerawansha and
President of the City Council of Kolonnawa, Mr. Ravindra Udayashantha.
The program started at 5.30 pm
and the guest of honour was the founder of “Pragna Pradeepa” Educational
Concept and Western Province Councilor, Mr. Jayantha de Silva.
The program started by lighting
the traditional oil lamp. Welcoming speech was delivered by the principal, Mr.
Gamini Wanigarathne. Pooja dance performed by primary and secondary sections
was highly commended by the audience. The dance was conducted by the dancing
teacher, Mrs. Navodi Jayawardene. After the pooja dance, several songs which
exhibit about the value of Buddhism and Vesak Festival were performed by
students of the primary and upper school sections. All the songs were trained
and conducted by the Music teacher, Mrs. Samantha Ekanayake.
Highlight of the
program was the song performed by the teachers of the school. Catholic teacher,
Sister Maria Dilusha and Two Muslim teachers, Ms. Buhari and Ms. Zameena also
took part in this song displaying the cultural harmony of the school.
Vesak Bathi Gee Saraniya was
drawn to close by the President of the Buddhist Society, Dayan Niroshan by
delivering the thank you speech.
Announcing of the program was
handled by the Media Unit of St. John’s College under instructions of teacher
in charge, Miss. Oshadee Gunasekara.
A ‘Vesak Lanterns Exhibition’ and
‘Dansala’ were held for the parents and people of the area after the program at
the school premises. This program was a concept of Mrs. Chintha Perera, Vice
Principal of the school.
Anjana Lakshan
Media Unit
Thursday, May 23, 2013
Prefects Day
New head prefect of the school is
Abdul Hakeem who is also the current president of Media Unit. Deputy Head
prefects are Ameer Rifkan and Mohomad Irshad. Primary section head prefect is Mohomad Safran and the new games captain is Dayan Niroshan, who is a member of cricket
team of the school. New prefects’ guild consists of 40 members. Teacher in
charges of the prefects’ guild are vice principal, Ms. L. G. Srimathi,
Ariyabudhdhi thero and Sister Maria Dilusha.
The function started at 9 o’clock
in the morning and was attended by the students and parents of newly appointed
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